The back pain below the waist: this is

The pain in the back below the waist bothers a lot of people. By the ignorance of all these manifestations of the pain that we call "sciatica", even if it is completely false. The pain below the lower back can be caused by a number of reasons and have a different character, there is also an impressive list of diseases which are manifested notably by the symptom.

A lot depends on the exact nature of the pain, as well as the location. Determine the cause why the ills of the kidneys, will be left to a specialist. But, in a first time, you need to understand your doctor of contact to resolve the problem.


A short list of possible causes of low back pain:

  • The low back pain. The disease manifests itself in dystrophic defeat of the discs between the vertebrae, and the vertebral bodies.
  • Spondiloarthrosis – this is osteoarthritis of the joints located between the vertebrae.
  • Tumors of the spine. Primary tumor, and metastases (occur as a result of the development of the tumor in another organ or system).
  • Fracture of the spine.
  • The infection in the area of the vertebrae and discs.
  • If you are experiencing problems in the organs located in the pelvis, can manifest describes a symptom.
  • GASTRO-intestinal disorders.
  • Blood circulation problems in the area of the spine.
  • Poor metabolism, causing general bone involvement.
  • Inflammatory diseases with non-communicable nature.

The stretch

Most often pain in the lumbar region occurs in various strains. The center of the pain are long muscles of the back. Permanent spasm and finally lead to limitations in movement. For this reason, the spine is back pain and pain radiating into the leg and the groin area.


Often the acute pain appears because of the obvious reason that you can't ignore: the fracture of the vertebrae. Some people think that it happens rarely, but, in fact, gain the divide can be even in a simple fall on the feet. In particular, when there are changes in the vertebral column and the bones themselves fragile.

The offset of the discs

The next is a reason for this that occurs a sharp pain. In the lumbar are shifted by the intervertebral discs. The symptom is very strong: the man can't move.

Facies syndrome

In principle, it rarely leads to the manifestation of acute pain in the lower back, this symptom is possible. There is a so-called the nerve roots in the vertebral canal. If the compression occurs at the place of its exit from the spine, the symptom manifests itself.

An epidural abscess

A serious disease that, in rare cases, manifested by pain below the waist. Most often it is the disease develops in the thoracic region, and symptoms of pain are there. But, during the execution of the process, they can also give in the lumbar area. The disease requires immediate surgical treatment.

Chronic pain: less terrible, but dangerous

The skeleton

Chronic pain in lower back always reveal themselves not only as strong as the treble. But these pains all the same not to ignore: if you have pain syndrome, this means that in the body something is not right. As long as man ignores his condition and tries to his heal the traditional methods, the disease progresses.

Pain in the lower back or the details of lumbago

Most often the syndrome of chronic pain of the nature in this area is inherent in the people older than the average, and the elderly. But young people are also facing this pain symptom. This state is called "lumbago".

Occurs pain, a condition of increased physical activity, even if uncomfortable motion. Therefore, it is very permeates through the body that man can be a little bit of time to harden in the posture, in which the pain found him.

The possible causes of lumbago:

  • sciatica (but not always, it is she who causes the symptom described);
  • hernia of the back;
  • a change occurred to a vertebra of one or more;
  • that could fall an intervertebral disk (may be during the intense load on the spine);

The pain is sharp and acute, many characterize it as a "lumbago" in the back. It is not only to prevent it from moving: breathing painful. If going to bed and spend a little time in a complete rest, a symptom of the decline.

The pain below the waist

Very often, these pains give to the leg and occur after intense pressure and, after cooling down.

What are the reasons to retain:

  • sciatica;
  • herniated disc;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • the renal colic (the pain is localized below the waist to the right);

The back pain in the lower back in women

As a number of gynecological diseases and specific state of women may lead to pain in this region, and a symptom of great ladies should talk about it separately.

The classification of the pain below the waist in women:

  • Lumbago. It is the lumbago acute, due to loads or cold.
  • Lumbodynia. The pain of this type is ongoing, but it is not a strong character. It can also occur due to the load on the spine (which are ongoing), and also because of a sedentary job.
  • Lumboischialgia. This type of pain is almost always sets the pace. It occurs when the hernia, and it requires prompt treatment.
The crisis of the

It is important! If the pain in this area relate to the painful nature, they are not the sign of a serious pathology. Although, of course, also, require a diagnosis and a treatment.

The localization of the pain at the bottom left of the back

In addition, such a symptom cause diseases of the spine, it can be a pain, which is transmitted through the internal organs. On the left side of the body is the kidney and intestine, pancreas and stomach, the spleen. Among women, also, to the left is the ovary, of the pathology which may cause pain left lumbar.

If the diseases of the internal organs acute, which manifests itself not only in the syndrome of pain in this area. Common symptoms – it is fever and chills, abnormal urine color, pain in the lower belly (in women, the failure of the menstrual cycle).

It is important! If the investigation has not revealed problems with the internal organs and systems is necessary to make an additional examination of the spine.

Two types of the pain and its causes:

  • Throbbing and a dull pain indicates chronic spondylarthrosis'. The more often the symptom manifests itself after prolonged sitting, after sleep.
  • Bright and burning. Lumbago acute binds the movement, and is accompanied by a fall in body temperature. The pain can appear after a shower or even massage.

Passage of the pain in the leg or buttock

The pain below the size often makes it into the buttock or leg. In the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, the physician must take into account this fact. This phenomenon is said that, may be surprised to see the nerve roots of that part of the vertebral column.

Also a pain, which is transmitted to the leg and the groin, stomach, said about the possible serious injury of the top of the spine. Sometimes, the pain even leads to the numbness of the leg and loss of movement capacity, which indicates an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The most often it occurs as a piriformis syndrome.

That is what triggers the onset of pain in women

If the women in the life lack of physical exercise, and then, she begins active weeding of the flowerbeds or simply decides to wash the floor in the whole house, it is unpleasant pain below the waist can occur. Frequent the slopes and the fatigue of the back lead to the onset of the pain, in effect, the skeletal muscle has not been prepared for such work.

Interesting! Precisely for this same reason, newcomers to fitness may have described to the pain. And even professional athletes, who give each day excessive atypical of the load.

With harmless causes, the pain is described, the localization can be attributed to:

  • sedentary lifestyle (mainly due to poor posture);
  • lifting bad;
  • the excessive load specific to the lady;
  • hypothermia (current of air or light clothing quickly make themselves felt);

The pain due to gynaecological problems


Infectious diseases of the female reproductive system can cause pain. Gynaecologists point out that, in such a case, the low back pain does not cause pain, it is acute and in no way affect the livelihoods of women, holds its.

For a variety of reasons, gynecological, pain may be in throbbing nature. In any situation, an accurate diagnosis for a particular case can only physician.

Possible gynaecological problems, causing pain below the waist:

  • In the critical days in the body increases the amount of substances responsible for the sensation of pain. For this reason, can produce a pulling pain in the lower back, as well as the lower abdomen. Need to do a test to a doctor, but some emergency measures in such a situation does exist: it is necessary to wait until the pain will pass.
  • During pregnancy, in particular, on the last words. Here, everything is clear: the pressure on the lower back increases with the increase in the weight of the fetus. In addition, the organization complmentaires produces a hormone, progesterone, leading to the weakening of joints and ligaments.
  • If the pain appeared in the early months of pregnancy is a dangerous condition. It indicates that there is a risk of detachment of the ovum. Often, pulling pain in the lower back during this threat are accompanied by secretions.
  • The endometritis. Sheath of the uterus is the mucous membrane of the structure to which cling to a variety of inflammation. Therefore, if this occurs, the symptoms will be clear and without a visit to the gynecologist is not required.
  • The extra-uterine pregnancy, rupture of a cyst or vascular accidents eggs because of pain in the lumbar region. The pain is localized in the bottom, requires emergency hospitalization.

If the man alone in the back it is not manifested with sciatica. An extensive list of diseases of the spine and the pathologies of other organs and systems of man, that cause exactly this syndrome. To accurately determine the cause of the pain can only the doctor depending on its location, nature and associated symptoms.

Do not try to put a diagnosis. You should definitely consult a doctor, for example, a therapist to talk about his condition and to pass the exams. Take care of yourself and don't of self-treatment without the advice of your doctor, as often this intervention in their health leads to tragic consequences.